It’s my mum’s birthday in just over a week.
My mum has never been for a night out in the city and has never had a cocktail (not counting the watered down kind that you get from dodgy Spanish bars). Given that she is turning 73 this time (shush, don’t tell her I told you) I decided that it was high time to remedy that.
Now my mum and I are quite similar in that we are both daft as a brush, we giggle at the drop of a hat and we both enjoy good food, good times and a drop of something to put a sparkle in your eye.
I booked a night in the
+Premier Inn in Manchester for the Bank Holiday Monday and arranged for us to attend Jamie Oliver’s Italian followed by a few cocktails to end the night with a bang.
There were many many giggles (including when my mum managed to break her glasses, forcing her to use one of them like a monocle in order to read the menu), the food at Jamie Oliver’s was amazing and we found one more thing in common that night, a love of a Cosmopolitan cocktail.
Here are some photos from the trip.
Travelling with no makeup on, a first! |
Excited to start our night out |
My gorgeous mum |
Like mother like daughter |
Cocktail fueled expression! |
Dress from +Simply Be My mum's jacket is from George at Asda |
Home after a brilliant night, and no hangovers!
Have you planned any trips recently?