One of my favourite things to do during the day on a weekend is going to my local park with my dogs and having a wander around, feeding the ducks in the process.
My previous posts have been quite text heavy, so with this post, pictures galore!
I'm a sucker for a bird print |
Like a lot of my clothes of late, this top is from South at Very |
Minimum makeup for the park, unfortunately enhancing my wonky eyebrow. |
The boots are from the South collection of Very. Although I love the look, not impressed with the quality.
Quack!! |
This is Ellie - she wanted in on the clothes blog |
So there you go. My weekend at the park look. I never like to look to "dressed down" as my theory is you never know who you are going to meet! So this weekend's look was a long line top/cardigan combination, black leggings (my first ever pair believe it or not) and long boots.
Hopefully in my next post this weekend I am going to be trying out some dresses for the various Christmas events I'm going to, which is always a challenge. Feedback on those will definately be appreciated!