I have been waiting to do this
post until I managed to collate a few photographs together of me on the catwalk
for Plus North. I only have a few here
which I have managed to grab from other people, but I love them all. If I get more at a later stage I will add
them on.
Courtesy of Becca Simmons |
Image Courtesy of Yours Clothing
It was one of the most amazing
experiences of my life walking down the catwalk for Yours Clothing, Curvissa
and Evans and is certainly something I will never forgot.
There is one thing that I have
been waiting for to happen since Plus North ended which hasn’t happened
yet. I hope it never does. The come down.
Plus North has boosted me so
much, in so many ways that I feel like one person walked into Plus North and
another walked out.
For one thing; getting
changed. I had four outfits to model on
the day. There was a side room to get
changed in with all the other models, or the disabled toilet if you wanted more
privacy. I hadn’t got changed in front
of people like that, even my best friends for more years than I can even
Inspired by the other girls who
were just happily getting changed all around me, I threw off my inhibitions and
by the second outfit (changed into a millisecond as I was number 12 and 14 on
the catwalk!) I didn’t give it a second thought.
The other thing that I have kept
with me since Plus North is that I no longer worry about what strangers think
of me. I am me, this is the way that I
look and if people don’t like it, they can go to hell. The first thing my best friend asked me when
I called up after the day event was “Please tell me that you were
yourself?” She knows only too well the
front that I normally put up in public.
I am so used to being judged,
silently or verbally by strangers about the way that I look that when in public
there is always a self preservation wall that I put up. That wall was torn down within the first ten
minutes of being at Plus North. All
thanks to the AMAZING people there.
The sparkle that I felt when
modelling has stayed with me. I even
smiled at the cute guy walking down the street this morning. Unheard of for the girl who always looks down
at the floor.
I cannot wait for next year.