This week has been a crazy one for me and my blog.
I never really had a plan, it just gradually morphed itself over the course of a couple of years into what it is today. Opinions, rants and plus size outfits. My very first post A Love of my 30's, Finally feels like it was written a lifetime ago, although I'm glad the blog started on a positive note!
Over the course of the past few months I have found a little confidence and have been doing a few plus size posts. I have experienced everything from sheer terror to complete surprise and actual pleasure in writing them.
Taking photographs of myself, of which I'm still on a massive learning curve, was definately a challenge as I always used to hide from the camera. I was expecting nasty comments, or more likely, no feedback at all from these posts but the reaction to them has been great.
With this in mind, the next step I have reached in the blog is twofold. Firstly, I promised myself that when, and if, the views in one month ever went over a certain figure, I would get a domain name. I'm quite liking the blog being now!
The second move forward is that I have been lucky enough to be gifted some dresses for review on the blog. I have purposely chosen dresses that are completely out of my comfort zone and not what I would normally wear. I have been pleasantly surprised! These posts will be up in the following few weeks.
Onwards and upwards!