Day 23 - What You Have Learned that School Didn't Teach You
I have gained many things in my life that were not as a result of what I was taught in school. The "School of Life" has taught me many things.
Working from the age of sixteen has taught me a good work ethic. I may not have been to college or university but that doesn't make me stupid. I just chose to take a different path. I have been employed full time for seventeen years now and am proud of where I have reached.
In school you are allotted into your groups. Be it cool, geeks, goths or emo, or whatever was around when you were at school, you are automatically morphed into a pack and that is where you stay. Individuality is frowned upon and doing things just because your friends do it is the norm.
I am proud of the fact that I am not a lemming. I do what I want and am not afraid to say what I think. I actually think that the sheep mentality that the public gets can be downright dangerous. A person on their own is intelligent; a group seems to get progressively less intelligent the more members are added.
I could add more things, but this post is in dangerous of turning into a rant, and that is another day!
Check out the other ladies and what school didn't teach them.