31 July 2013


omcz blog header

I have been seeing this challenge popping up regularly and always love the different styles and ideas that have been used.  I cheekily contact Steph who is now organising the challenge and asked her if I could join.

From what I understand about the challenge, the idea  is for each post to have something that is pushing our comfort zone.   This post’s subject was chosen by Emma of Meet The Millards and she has chosen the Bohemian look.

I have never worn the boho look before, not really knowing if it would suit me or even if i had anything that remotely fit the bill.  I dived into the back of my wardrobe however and I think I have managed it ok.


The dress is from Joanna Hope although I am not sure where I purchased it from.  The gold sandals are Hush Puppies from +Very.co.uk and the earrings were a sale bargain in +Dorothy Perkins 

Check out the other ladies who are pushing their comfort zone.

30 July 2013

Dear Readers


Day 27 – A Letter to My Readers

Hello.   First of all, I have to say how amazing it is that I actually have readers at all.  It still astonishes me that someone would take time out of their day to read something that I have written, and even more; bother to comment.

I want to say is thank you.  Thank you for reading and thank you for anyone who leaves a comment.  I am going to use the well over used phrase here, that bugs the hell of me on reality TV shows but, you have NO IDEA how much it means to me.

From the start of writing this blog I have grown into the person I always wanted to be, but was too scared to be.  I have battled many demons, from old issues, to confidence, to feeling secure and happy in myself.  I'm not quite there yet but I am definately getting there.

I am on the right path now and am excited to see where the road takes me.  Hell, I’m even modelling in Plus North in September, something that at this time last year I never thought possible.

The writing on this blog may be mine, but the positive comments and encouragement from the people who read it are what have spurred me onwards.   Not all comments have been posted on the blog, some have been said to me via Twitter too, and in person via people who I never even thought would be interested in my blog.  All of these have been so important to me.

So THANK YOU.  Really thank you.  Because each positive comment has given me what every person needs in their life, confidence, and hope.

29 July 2013

Burning Money

Day 26 - Something you read online

Once my head had exploded, steam stopped coming through my ears and my incredulous shouts of “What the bloody hell?” stopped I re-read the article in order to try and find some real meaning and reasoning in it.

Are they suggesting that fat people don’t currently walk on pavements as we are afraid of breaking them?  We park our cars on concrete. There is not an epidemic of fat people causing earthquakes or paving slabs splitting as we walk, so I’m pretty much sure that pavements are self from us.

Are they intimating that fat people are scared of pot holes or cracks in the pavement more than thinner people?  Anybody can fall over a defective pavement.

My only guess for what they are doing is this:

They obviously have problems with their pavements and are getting a lot of tripping claims coming through. They presumably don’t have the funding in their budget to make the repairs to the pavements, so need an excuse.

I have a vision of some bright spark in the roadways department coming up with an idea.

“Hey guys, I’ve got it!!! Put through on another department’s budget, pretend it will benefit something. Blame the fat people. Everyone hates them. Say it’s of benefit to them to get them to lose weight and we’ll get it through on “Health in the Community”.

This article blows my mind. What does it do to yours?

Check out the other ladies in the challenge and see what articles they have chosen.