7 June 2018

Tips on Buying a New Build

So, you have decided that the time has come to move home? Perhaps you are in the process of looking for your first house? No matter what applies, it goes without saying that purchasing a property is something that requires a lot of consideration. There are so many different options to choose from, and you have everything from your budget to the location to take into account. One factor you need to consider is whether or not you are going to buy a new build. If you feel like this is the best route for you, which many do because they are able to take advantage of a low deposit by opting for a new build, read on to discover some useful tips to keep in mind.
Be prepared for delays – Let’s get the bad news out of the way – delays are fairly common with new builds. It is not uncommon for a new launch to run behind because of delays during the building phase. These delays can be a caused because of the weather, an issue with supplies, and so on! Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind, although buying any sort of house (new build or not), can encounter delays. It is a good idea to agree on a ‘long stop’ completion date with the builder, though. This means that the building firm will be liable to pay you compensation if the work is not completed by the date you have both agreed on. This can give you peace of mind while also ensuring any rental costs are covered if the worst does happen.
The financial side of things – There is no denying that one of the main reasons why new builds make so much appeal is because you can find yourself eligible for lower deposits and government help-to-buy schemes, which is ideal for those looking to get their foot on the property ladder. However, there are a few things you do need to be mindful about on the monetary side of things. For example, if you need to sell your property quickly after you have purchased it – say within a year or two – you may struggle to get back the money you have spent on it. This is because new houses depreciate in value in the short-term once you have put your key through the door. Nevertheless, it is not all doom and gloom because there are a number of different ways that you can tackle this. For example, you may want to think about enhancing the value of the property you have purchased. There are many different ways you can do this, from loft conversions and landscaped gardens, to adding a conservatory on the back of your house. Of course, planning to stay put for a few years is the best option. When you buy a new build, make sure it not only satisfies your needs now, but in the future too. You will also want to shop around for good deals and do not be afraid to negotiate with developers. You may not be able to get the price down, but you may get a few extras thrown in, for example, they may offer to pay for your legal fees or you may get some free furnishings. Finally, it is also important to compare your new build with older properties that are the same in terms of space and value. This will help you to understand the resale market should you need to sell.
Stay away from dodgy developers – The last thing you want is for your house to be built by a dodgy developer, which is why you need to carry out due diligence during the early research phases. There are a number of different ways you can narrow down your search and carry out the essential research that is required. Of course, the Internet is always a good place to start. You can begin on the developer’s website, but you should never merely rely on their promotional material. You need to read reviews that have been left by previous customers and make sure these have been left on independent review platforms so you can be certain of their authenticity. Not only this, but you should take a look at some of the houses they have built so far. There is only so much you can learn from photographs, so if you can visit any of the properties, great news! You should also get to know the developers. Once you speak to them, you should get an instant feel as to whether this is the sort of company you want to work with or not.
Get an independent inspection – Last but not least, make sure you get an independent inspection so you can make sure there are no issues before you move in. A lot of people skip the property survey when they buy a new house because they assume a new house is not going to have any problems! Well, you should be surprised! An independent inspection now can save you a lot of money and hassle down the line.

As you can see, there are many different factors that need to be taken into consideration when buying a new build property. If you follow the advice that has been presented above, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect new build for you while ensuring that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

4 June 2018

Can Working From Home, Work For You?

Being an office worker myself, the idea of working from home has always intrigued me and caused to wonder whether it is something that I may wish to incorporate into my working life.

Accordingly to research carried out by Seareach with 2000 office workers, only 21% are allowed to work from home, with  a further 16% with some restrictions in place.  

Security is obviously a big concern and many employers have cited fairness and productivity as potential reasons why they may not like the idea of staff working outside of the office environment.

Staff jealously of other co-workers having flexible hours and working from home days can also be a factor.  People do tend to wonder whether in fact any work is actually being done or whether their co-worker is just in fact sitting in front of the television, channel hopping with their feet up.

From my point of view, working from home can be greatly benefit and something that I do from time to time when I have projects on the go that require concentration and little distraction.  Other staff members calling into your office, the telephone ringing and other smaller projects being brought in for your attention can all cause a huge intrusion and cause you extra time.

Whenever I have a project that will involve pages and pages of notes or statement preparing, working from home is perfect for me.  I am able to organise what I need to do and do my work in a quiet, calm environment where I know that I will not get disturbed and as a result, the work gets done faster.

The mental stress that comes with working in an office too is often negated when you know that you have the flexibility in your job to take your own work and work on it there.  

As long as the work is done and in a timely fashion, in the days of Skype, email and the internet, do we really need to go into the office every day any more?

All images from Pixabay.  Collaborative piece.

31 May 2018

My Dream Writing Space

Last month I talked about my tips for blogging on the go when you have a busy lifestyle and want to fit your blog into your life without feeling like you are losing all of your free time.

Today I wanted to talk about my dream writing space.  The one that I would create at home for days off, those weekends, those times when you get the urge (and the time) to write all day and want a comfortable area to do so.

First and foremost, what I want is comfort.  The perfect writing day for me does not necessarily start with getting up, getting dressed and sitting down to my laptop.  It can also, and preferably, start with a large cup of coffee in bed, my notebook and a pencil (no pens in bed thank you) and my thoughts as they start to collect.

I carry a notebook around with me most days and like to jot down any ideas for blog posts or writing pieces that come to mind, whether it be for this blog or other spaces.  I note the main idea at the top of a page and then during the week, fill in any additional comments to by way of bullet points.  These short notes are what start my day in bed with my coffee.

When it comes to getting more serious about my day, I move on to my laptop and my tablet.  At the moment I work from our dining room table which is not particularly convenient for me.  I recently came across a gorgeous desk from Lionshome which would fit the bill perfectly and would work with my current decor.

I don't like too much clutter on my work space when I am blogging.  Just my notebook with my ideas in, my tablet for research and of course my laptop.  I don't like to have too many windows open on my laptop as I find it too distracting so that is why I also have my tablet for researching points.  Ah, the 21st century world eh?

Other things on my checklist for the perfect blogging space include lots of natural light and fresh air from an open window and some sort of music on low, either on the other side of the room or the room next door.  Background noise is important but nothing too loud, like heavy metal or drum and bass!

The beauty of running a blog is that most of your tools and equipment can be packed away at the end of the day or at a moment's notice if needed.  Your laptop and tablet etc can be put away in a drawer and your desk space or table space utilized for other purposes.  

I think one of the most important things about your home is that it should work for you, on multiple levels.  This is particularly important if you have a family and have a jam packed filed life but is equally salient if you have a small home and need to use rooms for a variety of purposes.

What is your dream blogging space?

*Post in collaboration with Lionshome