11 March 2019

6 super simple tips to help you feel sexier in your own skin

With the busy lives we lead, its so easy to loose your mojo. With long days sat at your desk or chasing after the kids, it’s no wonder so many of us are burnt out….and its certainly difficult to feel sexy while you’re utterly exhausted.

But don’t worry. Here are 6 super simple tips to help you feel sexier in your own skin.

Change up your makeup routine

You don’t need makeup to look beautiful. Lets just get that straight. But if you want to feel a little sexy from time to time, then why not shake up your makeup bag with some new additions? A new voluminous mascara – click the link to find the best mascara on the market – to a luscious lip gloss or bold lip stain. If you don’t’ fancy makeup, why not treat yourself to a new moisturiser or exfoliator to help you skin glow naturally?

Book some time away

If you have little ones, get a babysitter on the phone. You and your partner need some time away. There’s scientific proof that indulging in spontaneity acts like an aphrodisiac which will have you feeling sexy, powerful and ready to take on anything!

Touch your skin

We all know how much we need to rush in the morning, a quick shower is all we have time for. But if you make a little more time, you can enjoy your shower – get used to the feel of your body and your own skin. Afterwards take your time when you’re applying your body lotion or moisturiser, getting to know how amazing and gorgeous your body is will make you feel super sexy.

Read something hot

Remember a few years ago when everyone was practically tearing at the pages of a particular book series about a certain Mr Grey? Well, why not revisit a racy novel, or find a new one to sink your teeth into. And don’t be afraid to read it in public – it’ll make you feel extremely risqué and confident!

Boost your bust

When was the last time you treated yourself to a new bra? Sure, we all have our favourites and our old faithful’s sitting in your underwear drawers, but a bad bra can give you poor posture and not the wow factor that you deserve. Go and get yourself measured properly and find some underwear that compliments you, your skin tone and your budget. And remember your partner might approve, but this is for you!

Make eye contact

Take a moment to think about how you ask for sex…how do they know that you’re in the mood? Do you drop subtle hints? Mumble it under your breath or just hope that they get the hint…? Well, next time you’re feeling a little hot under the collar, look your partner right in the eye and make it sensual. It’ll take them back to when you first starting dating and how you couldn’t keep your hands off each other!

6 March 2019

Saying Goodbye To My Thirties

*Long read

So here it is.  The last day of my thirties.  Tomorrow, I will be 40 years old.

40 doesn't sound like something that should apply to me.  It so old.  Middle aged.   Oh Jesus.....

40 sounds like a person who knows what they are doing, more adult than I sometimes feel.  When a problem arises I still sometimes look around the room for an adult.  Someone more adult than I.  So, not like I have a choice in the matter, I am ready to be 40?

Yes, I think that I am.

The past two decades have not been easy, especially between my mid twenties and early thirties.  I had no confidence, I lived in a sea of black clothing and had little self worth.  I went in and out of depression and anxiety and sometimes, felt so sad that I wondered what the point of it all was.

Feelings of happiness, passion and hope seemed to be watered down and only on the occasional day did glimpses of them appear.  An emotional blunting or dulling of effect.

Certain people blazed a trail through my life like a shooting star.  All bright and beautiful till it crashes and burns.  Others disappointed me and abused my trust more than words can say.

That isn't to say that I did not also have fun over those years.  I had lots.  But I knew that I was not the person that I was supposed to be.  I was masked.  A fog covered me.

But then.  I started to write.  I found Twitter and found a voice that I never knew that I had.  A voice that was hidden on the internet so I was free to say what I wanted.  But I was still shy.  Still scared.

Then I started to blog.  I found plus size bloggers and found a world of colour and confidence that exploded my mind.  Fat women, like me, who wore colour and pattern.  They were self assured, knew who they were; they had confidence and sass.  Everything that I wanted.  I vowed to change.

This review was my first outing as a plus size blogger.  I cannot tell you how many photographs were taken and discarded.  How times I wrote the post and published, only to delete, rewrite, edit and publish again.

My confidence grew.  I grew to love pattern and found my confidence.

I did a photo shoot (cue moody pout).  I modeled (Can you see the smile?  That was happiness right there.)  Still not sure about that jumper though haha

I went from someone who actively hid from the camera, to someone who loves a good selfie.  I became more confident and with that, I got angry.

In the past few years, my focus has changed from the confidence in what I look like and the image that I present to the world, to what I think and what I say.  My blog pieces have become more serious and focused.  My voice on Twitter has expanded and I no longer am afraid to say anything that I think.  This has both lost and gain followers.  I care not.

I quit smoking 2 months ago.  Whether coincidence or not, the emotional blunting that I have experienced for so many years has gone.  I feel all the good.  The happiness I now have in my life, the joy, the expectation, the hope.  The excitement for the future.

I went on a spa day today with my best friend.  Someone who has been my best friend since I was 15 years old.  She has been there through every up and down, every high and every low.  She has seen the best and the worst in me.

She has seen all the recent changes in me over the recent years in confidence, in clothing, in what I say and what I share and think.  But she told me today that finally, after so long, she is now seeing the person that she first met, all those years ago.  Free, confident, happy, expectant, hopeful and most importantly, completely and utterly myself, without the fog that has covered me for so long.

I am back to myself again.  I would say that that is a damn good way to start your 40s.  Wouldn't you?

28 February 2019

The Beauty Of Birth Flowers

Did you know that every month is assigned a flower? If you are struggling to think of a gift to buy someone, you now have the answer – a bouquet of stunning flowers that contains their birth month flower. This is something that is bound to go well. You could even team it with a piece of jewellery with their birthstone if you are purchasing for someone special. With that being said, read on to discover what the birth flower of each month is.

What are the different birth flowers?
The birth flower of January is a carnation. This beautiful flower comes in a whole host of colours, with each colour having a different meaning. Yellow means ‘I wish I could be with you’ while pink means ‘I will never forget you’.

The birth flower of February is Iris, which is associated with humility and faithfulness.

Daffodil is the birth flower for March. This flower has a cheery appearance and it says ‘you are an angel.’

If your loved one was born in April, send flowers containing sweet pea.

For May, lily is the flower to choose, and you have a variation of lilies to choose from. Lily of the Valley is particularly popular.

The birth flower of June is the rose. Everyone knows that this is a flower that is connected with love. However, different coloured flowers have different meanings, with yellow being ideal for friendship and red roses saying ‘I love you.’

Next, we have Larkspur, which is the birth flower of July. This flower is associated with love, affection, and lightness. It is for someone with a pure heart.

The birth flower of August is Gladiolus. This flower symbols moral integrity and strength. When you give a bouquet of these flowers, it is supposed to pierce the giver’s heart with passion!  

Aster is the birth flower of September. With a lush texture and wildflower beauty, this has long been considered the enchanted flower.

Marigold is the birth flower of October. This flower is also called the “herb of the sun” and it represents creativity and passion.

November’s birth flower is Chrysanthemum, which carries the beautiful meaning ‘you are a wonderful friend’.

Finally, the birth flower of December is Narcissus. It symbolises new beginnings and rebirth, which probably does not come as any surprise considering the time of year.

Hopefully, you have now discovered what your friend’s birth flower is. Purchasing a bouquet of flowers containing this is bound to make a good impression and show that you have put a lot of thought into the gift.
